Read/Write Web 2-C-1

Sometimes it feels as if we have always had the Read/Write Web available to us, but thinking back to my childhood and my school years, it’s interesting to think about how different life would have been if it was then what it is today. I can say with confidence that my education would have been completely different had the internet been as important.  I have to remember that my students have only ever known education with the internet, and because of this it needs to be an essential part of their everyday learning.  I know I still have a lot to learn about using the Read/Write Web in my classroom (part of why I took this class), but I think that it can be so beneficial to my students and to myself.  I feel that parent-teacher communication is an essential part of a successful school year.  Creating a blog that both parents and students can use would be a great way to keep everyone up to date on the on goings of the classroom. I would love to be able to post ideas and classroom news, and allow the parents and students to comment with their thoughts.  Along the same lines, I would like to start following different educational blogs to be able to gather different ideas from many other educators.

Although my students are only in 2nd grade, they never fail to amaze me every year with how quickly they pick up on new concepts.  I would love to be to incorporate different opportunities for my students to create videos to cast.  These could be used for them to explain vocabulary words, act out skits, or explaining how to do a math problem. These casts could even be posted to the blog for parents to view.  There are certainly many opportunities in the Read/Write Web available to use in my classroom, and I look forward to learning many more and using them to expand my students’ education.

4 thoughts on “Read/Write Web 2-C-1

  1. Hi, Jennifer,
    What are your current methods of communicating with families? Are they requesting the change, or are you thinking of new ways to explore? Parent-Teacher communication using social media platforms is my topic for the course project!



    1. Shawn,
      My current method of communicating with families is mainly through email. I send out a weekly update through email every Monday. This includes what we are learning for the week, any important events that are coming up, and what the parents can be working on with their children. It works great and the parents love it, but I would love to eventually create a classroom blog so that the parents could check in whenever they want to find out important information, view pictures, or share comments.


  2. Jen,
    I agree that sometimes we don’t realize how savvy some of these kids are at technology. I know my 4th graders have taught me a few things this year! It usually takes me a few practice sessions and tweaking plans before I present anything with technology to the kids. I worry it will be too complicated or difficult but that is rarely the case. They get it! It is a different world from the one we grew up in for sure!


  3. Sometimes we must remind ourselves that technology is the norm for today’s students. Not only must we educate them on proper netiquette, but their families as well. I think it’s great that you are getting the entire family involved!


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